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Pastor’s Corner

I finally welcome you again into the Month of December, which is the last month of the Year 2024, which is God’s Year for our Divine Healthy Relationships. Amazingly, the faithful God of Hope has consistently been merciful and powerful in our lives throughout this Year, and we are indeed very grateful and graceful. Now God has declared the final month in 2024 as the month of our Divine Joy in the Holy Ghost. And according to a great man of God, Murray, A. (1897): “The joy is not in mere facts or histories; it is not the happiness of momentary surprise; it is spiritual joy, vital joy, joy in the Holy Ghost. Below this exultant joy lie the main facts of spiritual experience,—the fact of pardon, the fact of regeneration, the fact of adoption, the fact of sonship; and out of this solid masonry, a temple not made with hands, there rises the pinnacle of joy which flashes brightly and is seen afar. The Christian cannot but be joyous. All the elements that enter his new personality conspire to make him the freest and gladdest of me.” Considering this, let us open the door of our hearts to enjoy our spiritual heritage of joy and forbid every spirit of sadness and bitterness and by His grace we will finish the year in joy and celebrations in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ (Amen)


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The Voice of Hope-Vol-144-December-2024

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points


  1. Today I declare joy unspeakable into every area of my life (1 Peter 1:8)
  2. Today I proclaim that the joy of the Lord is my strength amid the challenges of life (Nehemiah 8: 10)
  3. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare that no enemyor situation will wither away or cut short my joy in the Lord (Joel 1: 12)
  4. In the name of Jesus Christ, I am filled with joy and peace of God against every storm of life (Romans 15: 13)
  5. In the name of Jesus Christ, I will bear the fruit of Joy and do away with every bitterness and anger in my life (Galatians 5: 22)
  6. Right now, the faithful God of Hope is turning around my sorrow and sadness into a mega joy celebration (Psalm 30: 5-12)
  7. “…The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 13:52)


Acts 13:52: “…The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Ghost.”