Welcome to the Springs of Hope Ministries

It is often said, Preparation precedes success. Fundamentally, we all know how much we have to prepare to get our drivers’ license, school diplomas, and even to get married. However, while it is true that most of us do not plan to fail, it is evident that at times some of us fail to plan well for our education, career, marriage and business due to wrong choices or attitude.

Surprisingly, it appears that the most area of neglect is the salvation of our souls. Some of us are too busy with our jobs, studies, families and pleasures that we have put any plan of worshipping our creator God into the back seat. We often forget that our God longs to relate with us in a more personal and intimate way. This is because He is a loving God that is so concerned with every detail of our lives, and anything that matters to us matters to God as well. Thus, God is willing to help us with all the challenges and battles in our life if we can only acknowledge His sovereignty and divine plans for our present and future life.

As far as planning for our eternal life is concerned, God has made a wonderful provision for us through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our rebellion against God, and He was raised on the third day by the power of God for our freedom, peace and hope. Basically, God’s salvation package includes our peace, deliverance, healing, restoration, hope, joy and blessing.

Are any of these missing? Then you must be ready to accept God’s first class plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Actually, any other plan of salvation apart from Jesus Christ is futile, inadequate, fruitless and unnecessary. Please accept God’s best and final plan of salvation for your life today by inviting Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior. Certainly, your entire life will never be the same forever. Please say YES to this wonderful plan today (please read these Biblical references: Matthew 11:28-30; John 14:6,27).



    Pastor’s Corner

    I gladly welcome you afresh into middle of the New Year 2024, which is God’s Year for our Divine Healthy Relationships. Amazingly, this new Month of July is our prophetic month of Divine Hope against natural Hope. The focus is about patriarch Abraham our father of faith who demonstrated an unusual courage to believe God for the impossible against all odds. To “hope against hope” is to believe, like Abraham, that something hoped for will come to pass even when there seems to be no chance that it will. Abraham believed that his wife would have a child at one hundred years of age and that this child’s descendants would eventually produce the Messiah, Jesus Christ. “Hoping against hope” is comparable to believing in something when others are saying, “You don’t have to pray about it anymore” Indeed, in the view of Pelagius “It was against all-natural hope for a hundred-year-old man to believe that his seed would become as numerous as the stars, especially given that his wife had been barren in her youth and was now as feeble as he was.” Please let us keep our Hope alive in God, regardless of the challenges we shall overcome for our God is able to make the impossible possible and reverse the irreversible today (Amen)


    Click below to see the full newsletter!!

    The Voice of Hope-Vol-139- July 2024

    Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

    1. I declare today I have a living Hope in God and I will not be moved and downcast (Psalm 42: 5-7)
    2. Today I proclaim that I have a living Hope of glory and not of shame (Romans 5: 3-5; Colossians 1: 27)
    3. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I am a true child of God and so I am not hopeless but hope-blessed (Ephesians 2: 12; 1 Peter 1: 4)
    4. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Hope is alive in God and I refuse to give up or give in, in order to go up in life (Ecclesiastes 9: 4; Psalm 27: 13-14)
    5. In the name of Jesus Christ, I rejoice in the living Hope of my calling (Ephesians 1: 15-22)
    6. Today I declare the living Hope is my sure anchor amid the storms of life and I will not be swept off (Hebrews 6: 18-19; Philippians 1: 19-20)
    7. Today I declare that Jesus Christ is my only living Hope and I refuse every false hope from human beings and from the devil and his allies (1 Timothy 1: 1; Psalm 118: 8-9; Jeremiah 17: 5-13)


    “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”   (ROMANS 15: 13)

  • Hope Mail – One Hundred-One

    Dear Beloved: Another day is here and we have every reason to thank God for His sustaining grace/power throughout previous days. I trust in the help of the Most High for you, because His word declares that” He will help you and you shall not be confounded” – (Isaiah 50:7). Let us rejoice and thank God for His faithfulness over us in the days gone by. Shalom! Dr. Lawrence A. Lasisi

Weekly Services

Sunday Worship 10:30AM
Last Friday of the Month Vigil – Night of Passing Over 12:00AM Midnight
Daily Prayer Line 7:00PM – 8:00PM
Join The Church Family Prayer Line every weekday from 7pm – 8pm for blessings and breakthroughs.