Hope Mail – One

Dearly Beloved,
“Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will” Ephesian 1:5. When God saved you, He brought you back to your source. The new birth connects you back to your root. You become connected to the one that created you. The new birth gives you access to the creative mind of God. You are a carrier of God’s presence on earth. You carry an expensive cargo and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You belong to a higher order and principalities and powers will bow at your presence. I challenge you to walk in the consciousness of this connection, carry yourself with a knowing that the Greater One truly lives in you. Square up your shoulder, be bold, be strong, be courageous. God will cause you to experience a turnaround in every area of your life in Jesus name!
Rev. (Dr.) Lawrence Lasisi


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