Pastor’s Corner

I gladly welcome you afresh into the second half of the New Year 2024, which is God’s Year for our Divine Healthy Relationships. Amazingly, the Month of August, which is the month of our church’s 2024 Festival of Rehoboth and Convention and 23rd Anniversary, is our prophetic period of Divine Celebrations. It has been wisely observed that “Although there are examples of private celebrations in the Scriptures, most celebrations are associated with the acts of God. The enemies of God’s people also celebrate, but in the end, it is the triumph of God’s purpose that is celebrated.” So, the Bible is not just a divine Book of doom and hell, but it is more of a divine revelation of jubilations, joys and rejoicings and feasts and festivities of the celebrities of God who trusted God enough to turn their sorrows and defeats into absolute victories and triumphs in this life and even afterwards. Please get ready today to join the divine celebrities’ club and put on new dancing shoes for God is about to give you new garments of praises and celebrations and gladness in replace of every garment of shame and ridicule and sadness and madness (Isaiah 61: 3). The faithful God of Hope said, “you will laugh and dance and be joyful again regardless of your past pains and troubles.” (Amen)


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The Voice of Hope-Vol-140-AUGUST-2024

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

  1. I declare today I will rejoice and celebrate over every Egyptian bondage of my life (Exodus 15: 1-20)
  2. Today I proclaim the celebration of God over the fall of every wall of Jericho in my life and family (Joshua 6: 1-20)
  3. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I declare a great jubilation over every Goliath of my destiny (1 Samuel 17: 6-7)
  4. In the name of Jesus Christ, I proclaim a festival of celebrations over Haman’s battles of my bloodline (Esther 9: 18-25)
  5. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare a celebration for my total destiny restoration form every satanic captivity (Isaiah 51: 11; Psalm 126: 1-2)
  6. Today I declare a total celebration over every stagnation and setback in my career (Acts 3: 1-10)
  7. Today I decare that I am Jesus’ Celebrant and His resurrection and ascension power has made my destiny unstoppable (Luke 24: 50-53)


“Sing, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your judgments, He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; You shall see disaster no more.” (ZEPHANIAH 3: 14-15)

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