July 2016 – Month of The Authority Over The Gates Of Hell

Pastor’s Corner

I joyfully welcome you afresh into the New Month of July, which is our last month of preparation for our church annual August Convention. This is our Month of Divine Revelational Knowledge and the God of Hope has promised to manifest His new glory in our life and family. Interestingly, the Hebrew word “Yada  and the Greek word “Ginosko,” both means an intimate or an experiential knowledge of somebody or something. It is the same word used to indicate that Adam and Eve intimate knew each other in the book of Genesis. So when apply to God, it means to have a pure and holy standing relationship with the living God on a daily basis. But regrettably, most of us have working knowledge of our beloved vehicles and electrical gadgets even more than knowing God or family members.

I strongly believe that one of the greatest challenges for us today is to have a daily closer walk with God so as to receive the supernatural strength for victory and success. It is important to know every great person and place in the world, but the in the end it is only the intimate knowledge of God that will carry you the unavoidable storms of life. Today may your intimate knowledge of increase so as to obliterate the power of devil and his recruits and reserves in your life. Amen.


Click here for the Voice of Hope – Vol44 – July 2016


Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

1. Today I declare that I know that God is my loving Father who is able to disable my enemies (1 Chronicles 28: 9)
2. In the Name of Jesus Christ I declare that the almighty God is my trusted refuge in the storms of life (Psalm 9 10).
3. Today I declare that the working knowledge of God will flow through every area of my family (Jeremiah 31: 34)
4. In the name of Jesus Christ I declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of my life and family (John 17: 3)
5. Today I declare that because of my intimate knowledge of God every current situations will turn into praises and testimonies (Romans 8: 28)
6. In the name of Jesus Christ I declare that I know my Redeemer is alive and I will not be put to shame (Job 19: 25)
7. Today I declare that my future is bright and great because I know whose I am and I know whom I have believed (2 Timothy 1: 12)

CONCLUSION: That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death (Philippians 3: 10)



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Tests of Greatness
Two students were walking down the hallway of a seminary. One said, “I don’t like my summer internship assignment. It does not fit my gifting’s.” An astute professor overheard the conversation and interjected, “I am thankful that Michelangelo did not say ‘I don’t do ceilings.'” Joseph did not say, “I don’t do prisons.” David did not say, “I don’t do giants.” Moses did not say, “I don’t do wildernesses.” Daniel did not say, “I don’t do lions.” The Hebrew children did not say, “We don’t do furnaces.” Isaiah did not say, “I don’t do persecution.” Mary did not say, “I don’t do virgin births.” Paul did not say, “I don’t do shipwrecks.” John the Revelator did not say, “I don’t do islands.” Jesus Christ did not say, “I don’t do crosses.” Revolutionaries are known not just for what they finish, but for what they start.




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