Pastor’s Corner

I praise-fully welcome you into the middle part of the New Year 2020 and a New Decade of blessings and flourishing in every area of our life. Indeed, our God of Hope has been awesome despite all the challenges in our world. This month of July God has promised to rescue us from every pitiable and horrible pit of troubles and darkness. So let us get ready to trust God so as to be fully rescued and elevated today. (Amen)

Click here for the Vol91-July2020 Newsletter

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

    1. Today I receive the power of the Holy Spirit to be rescued from every pit of troubles in my life and family (Genesis 37: 20-29)
    2. In the Name of Jesus Christ I am rescued from every pit of prolonged battle over my destiny (2 Samuel 23: 30)
    3. Today I receive divine rescue from every pit of disaster and calamity (Job 33: 24)
    4. In the name of Jesus Christ I am rescued from every pit of wickedness and evil (Psalm 7: 14-17)
    5. Today I receive divine rescue from sudden death and prolonged sickness (Psalm 30: 3)
    6. In the name of Jesus Christ I expose and set on fire every hidden trap and pit of bondage (Psalm 35: 7)
    7. Today I decree that my evil enemies will fall into their own pits of destructions and shame (Psalm 94: 13; Proverbs 26: 27; Ecclesiastes 10: 8)

CONCLUSION: “I went down to the moorings of the mountains; The earth with its bars closed behind me forever; Yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O LORD, my God” (Jonah 2: 6)

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