Pastor’s Corner

I once welcome you into the New Year 2022, which is God’s Year for our Prophetic Double Victory based on Romans 8: 37. Amazingly, this month of July is the Month of our Divine Reversal of every humanly Irreversible situation in our life and family. Simply put to reverse is to go backward contrary and opposite to the original plans. This is when a glorious destiny is being hijacked, vandalized, brutalized, mesmerized, truncated and tampered with by the power of darkness. In a negative sense, it is a complete act of defeat and setback in the journey of life. However, whenever God intervenes, any humanly irreversible bad situation can experience a total rewind and bounce back from every destructive, damaged, foundational, generational destiny adversity, stagnation and strangulation.

Wonderfully, if you can surrender to God now, His total plan is to supernaturally reverse every negative and stigmatized irreversible situation in your life and family lineage. Surely, there is a living hope for you in Christ and now get ready to supernaturally bounce back from every destructive irreversible situation today and you will sing a new song and His mercy will rewrite your story and all will be well and Shalom!

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Voice Of Hope Vol. 115 – July 2022

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

    1. I declare today that the mighty Hand of the Lord will be upon me to reverse every dry bone situation in life destiny (Ezekiel 37: 1–10)
    2. I decree that today God will terminate my terminator and reverse every terminating force of Haman targeting my destiny (Esther 8: 5-8; 9: 1)
    3. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ I reverse every irreversible situation of untimely death in my life and family (2 Kings 20; 1-6)
    4. I pray today that God will rewind and cause me to bounce back from every destiny setback and stagnation (Psalm 126)
    5. I declare today that God will reverse every evil irreversible generational trouble hemorrhaging my destiny 9Mark 10: 46-52)
    6. I decree today in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, my dead dreams and visions will bounce back to life afresh (John 11: 38-44))
    7. Today I declare that God will bring back my full joy and peace and sorrow and sadness will be far away (Psalm 42: 1-11; Philippians 4: 4)


“Indeed before the day was, I am He;
And there is no one who can deliver out of My hand;
I work, and who will reverse it?” (Isaiah 43: 13)

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