Pastor’s Corner

I gracefully once more welcome you into the New Year 2020 and a New Decade of blessings and flourishing in every area of our life. This month of May is the Month of our Divine Double Portion. The God of hope said, He will give His children double for all the troubles caused by the plague of the evil coronavirus in our land. He is in control and in His sovereignty He has allowed the evil virus but He will outmaneuver the devil and bring a full double blessing for His children today. So get ready to receive double blessings and victories today and weep no more. (Amen)

Click here for theĀ Vol89-May2020 Newsletter

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

  1. Today I receive the double blessings for the son and daughter of the Most High (Deuteronomy 21: 17)
  2. In the Name of Jesus Christ I receive the double anointing to prevail and rise above every storm of life (2 Kings 2: 9)
  3. Today I receive the double spiritual restoration for my spirit, soul and body (Isaiah 40: 2)
  4. In the name of Jesus Christ I command the double release of progress and enlargement (Zechariah 9: 12)
  5. Today I receive the double glory for every shame of my life and family (Isaiah 61: 7)
  6. In the name of Jesus Christ I command the double judgment against all the enemies of my destiny (Jeremiah 17: 18)
  7. Today I reject every double minded spirit working against my faith and blessings (James 1: 8)

CONCLUSION: Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope. I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles. (Zechariah 9: 12) (NLT)

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