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Pastor’s Corner

I welcome every family and friend of this great church into the later part of the Year 2021, which is our Year of Divine Maximum Security (Deuteronomy 33; 27). This Month of November is the Month of our Divine Gratitude. Interestingly, the God of Hope has been so good and great to us from the beginning of the year till today. We dare not take any of His goodness for granted. And since grace-full people are always grateful people we must decide to give God a hilarious praise and thanksgiving regardless. Let us therefore count our blessings and not our supposed challenges which God’s power is working out for our miracles.
In the Old Testament, the people of Israel thanked God for His faithfulness to covenant promises: (1) for deliverance from enemies (Psalm 18:17; 30:1; 44:1–8) and from death (Psalm 30:8–12; Is 38:18–20; (2) for forgiveness of sin (Psalm 32:5; 99:8; 103:3; Is 12:1); (3) for answers to prayer (Psalm 28:6; 66:19); (4) for compassion toward the afflicted and oppressed (Psalm 34:2; 72:12); (5) for executing justice (Deut. 32:4; Ps 99:4); and (6) for continuing guidance (Psalm 32:8; Is 30:20–21).
In the New Testament, the object of thanksgiving is the love of God expressed in the redemptive work of Christ. Apostle Paul thanked God for that gift of grace (1 Cor. 1:4; 2 Cor. 9:15) and the ability to preach the gospel (2 Cor. 2:14; 1 Tm 1:12). Paul thankfully participated in the spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:18). Gratitude for love and faith among believers pervades his letters (Rom. 6:17; Eph. 1:15–16; Phil. 1:3–5; Col. 1:3–4; 1 Thess. 1:2–3).
We must be careful of the spirit of entitlement for God cannot be forced or coerced to do any miracle for us. God only relates to us based on His covenant and mercy and it is always a privilege to have Him as our most dependable Father. So, do you have any reason to praise and thank God today? If yes, then open your mouth and heart to give God the food of praise and thanksgiving. And as you praise Him, every overdue blessing shall manifest while every over-burden issue will be erased. Amen.

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Voice Of Hope Vol. 107 – November 2021

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

    1. Today I thank you the God of Hope for who you are in my life, church and family (Hebrews 11: 6)
    2. In the Name of Jesus Christ I adore my God for His faithfulness to His promises (Psalm 28: 6)
    3. Today I appreciate God for the salvation of my life from the power of hell (Psalm 32: 1-5)
    4. In the Name of Jesus Christ I praise my God for His mercy and loving kindness (Psalm 136)
    5. I thank God today for my family and church family (Psalm 127)
    6. In the Name of Jesus Christ I praise God for His sure deliverance (Psalm 18: 17)
    7. Today I lavish God with my praise and appreciation for His steady provisions for my life and family (Joshua 23: 14-16)


Repeated Thanks Not Copyrightable

One item sent in for copyright at the Library of Congress was a book written by a whimsical Texas businessman, who intended to hand out copies to his customers and friends. It’s title was A Million Thanks, and it consisted of the word “thanks” repeated one million times. “No thanks,” replied the Library, declining to register it because a single word is not copyrightable.