Pastor’s Corner

I fearlessly welcome you into the new Month of October 2020. Indeed, our God of Hope has been awesome despite all the challenges in our world. This month of October God has promised to deliver us from every negative fear. What is a negative fear? This is a combination of worry and stress which allow our circumstances to stand between us and God. But when we have a reverential fear for God, we have nothing or nobody else to fear, So let us get ready to be bold and approach the throne of grace and mercy fearlessly today (Amen)

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Voice of Hope – October 2020 Vol. 94

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

    1. Today I am free from the negative fear of evil people (Hebrews 13: 6)
    2. In the Name of Jesus Christ I overcome the negative fear of untimely death (Hebrews 2: 14-15))
    3. Today I reject every negative fear of satanic opposition (Jeremiah 1: 8, 19)
    4. In the name of Jesus Christ I overcome every negative fear of failure (Matthew 25: 25)
    5. Today I am free from every negative fear of rejection (1 Samuel 15: 24; John 9: 22)
    6. In the name of Jesus Christ I reject every negative fear of the unknown (Job 3: 25)
    7. Today I embrace the positive fear of God in my life (Proverbs 1: 7; 9: 10)

CONCLUSION: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1: 7) (NKJV)

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