Hope Mail Three

Dearly Beloved
Fear not; for thou shall not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shall not be put to shame: for thou shall forget the shame of thy youth, and not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more” Isaiah 54:4. Now is the time to lengthen your cord, enlarge your place because abundance is coming to your house, whether the devil likes it or not, don’t be afraid because your detractors will be put to shame, don’t be discouraged because you won’t be disgraced. You will not see shame, you will not see disgrace neither will you see reproach. God’s word says “He has covered you with an everlasting kindness. It will never expire; His love for you is everlasting and never fails. So rest in His love knowing that whatever the challenges are Jehovah will definitely bring you out. It is your turn to testify!!
God bless you richly! Shalom!
Rev. (Dr.) Lawrence Lasisi


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