About Us

Brief History of the Church

Rev Dr. Lawrence Lasisi and Pastor Mrs Grace Lasisi

Dr. Lawrence Adeniyi Lasisi is a Muslim convert who has recieved the grace and mercy of God to spread the gospel message worldwide. In 1990 he graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree from Christ International Divinity College, Erinmo, Nigeria. Following this, between 1991 and 1994 he went to Canada to complete his Masters of Divinity with honors at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Subsequently, he completed another Master of Arts degree in Islamic Studies at Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, in 1998. Later he earned a Ph.D. degree in intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasedena, California, USA, in 2001.

Dr. Lasisi has ministered in Nigeria, USA, UK and Canada, and many lives and homes have been transformed through his down-to-earth gospel message of hope and deliverance. Presently, he is the founding pastor of Springs of Hope Christian Ministries in Southern California of USA. He is married to Grace, and they have been blessed with three promising children.

Springs of Hope Christian Ministries had its humble beginnings in the year 1999 when the risen Lord spoke to his dear servant, Dr. Lawrence A. Lasisi, and confirmed by the First Lady Grace A. Lasisi, to start a Christian fellowship where people of all colors and races will come to worship and showcase the hope and glory of God in the world. The key biblical passage for our mission is found in Zechariah 9:12, where the good Lord promises to give a double hope to the hopeless and helpless that turns to Him for restoration.

Interestingly, the journey of faith has been seriously awesome, fulfilling, humbling and glorious. The Lord has been faithful to His manifold promises, and we have seen many lives touched and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amazingly, God has blessed our church with committed, dedicated and loyal individuals and families who have been always there through thick and thin. Providentially, ours is still an unfolding story of faith and hope in the true God of all possibilities, and as we journey ahead it is our firm belief that the best is yet to come.

Surely, we have climbed a few mountains, and there are still more to climb, but we strongly believe that the GOD OF HOPE who has called and anointed us to preach the message of hope to our world will always be with us to lead and guide at every stage of the wonderful journey of faith ahead.

Our Vision

  • To proclaim Jesus Christ as the hope of the world through evangelism, worship, preaching, teaching, and humanitarian services to the people of all races and colors.
  • To train and ordain God’s people for the manifold ministries of Jesus Christ worldwide.
  • To raise altars of prayer for God in every member household.
  • To establish schools, hospitals, medical centers, and orphanage at home and abroad.
  • To plant churches at home and abroad for the purpose of making disciples of all nations.

Church Core Values

  • Reaching out with the message of Power, Hope & Glory.

Church Mission Statement

  • To build a multiethnic Christian Church with a passion for Jesus Christ and compassion for the world.