December 2015 – Month of Divine Rest


Prophetic Focus

“I Will Bless The Lord At All Times; His Praise Shall Continually Be In My Mouth.”  (Psalm 34: 1)

Pastor’s Corner

I welcome you to the last Month of December, which is God’s Month for our Divine Rest. God is the originator of the authentic rest. As we move into the end of the year it is glaring that our world is full of political, economic, social, religious and personal unrests. Sadly, the wave of restlessness in our world has surged into an exceptional level of chaos, animosity and hopelessness. However, there is still total rest in our able God, who has promised the believers in Christ a fulfilled rest here and hereafter (Hebrews 12: 22-24). I pray that as we round up the year 2015 you will relax in God and enjoy a total freedom from every restlessness situation in your life, home, health, career and relationships today (Amen).


The story is told of a little boy who was given a priceless possession. It was his deceased grandfather’s beautiful gold pocket watch. My, how he treasured it! It was to be a lifelong reminder of his dear grandfather and his love for him. But one day, while playing at his father’s ice plant, he lost the watch amid all the ice and sawdust. He searched and searched, but he could not find the watch. He became frantic. Then he suddenly realized what to do. He stopped scurrying and scratching around and became very still. He just listened. And in the silence, he heard the watch: tick, tick, tick, tick. He found his treasure by becoming quiet! (PSALM 46: 10)



I read about a problem a company was having with shipping cod from the East Coast to the West Coast. Apparently, by the time the fish arrived, they were spoiled. So they tried freezing the fish, but upon arrival, they were mushy to the taste. Next they sent the cod live, but when they arrived, the fish were all dead. So they tried sending them live once again, but with a difference: included in the tanks of the live cod was their mortal enemy, the catfish. And when they arrived, the cod were alive and well, because they had spent the entire journey evading the catfish.

– Greg Laurie


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