June 2016 – Month of The Authority Over The Gates Of Hell

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Pastor’s Corner

I victoriously welcome you into the new month of June, which is the god’s month for the authority over the gates of hell. In this middle of the year of our limitless grace total victory is yours. The gate is an entrance to a place or an exit from a place.  The gates of hell Jesus Christ is speaking about here has to do with the entry and exit doors the forces of darkness are using to undermine our potentials.  The church is not just a building but a team of every individual born-again believer in Christ. Since you are part of the winning team, get ready to declare victory over every satanic entry point in your destiny in the name of Jesus Christ (amen).

Click here for the Voice of Hope – Vol43 – June 2016

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

1. I declare total victory over every satanic entry point in my family (genesis 22: 17)
2. I command every iron and bronze gate limiting my advancement in life to be broken into pieces today (psalm 107: 16; Isaiah 45: 2)
3. I summon every ancient door to be lifted up for the king of glory to intervene and step into every situation of my destiny (psalm 24: 7-10)
4. May the lord bring beauty out of my ashes and joy out of my sorrow like the miracle at the beautiful gate (acts 3: 1-5)
5. In the name of Jesus Christ I forbid any demonic transaction at the gate of my destiny (2 kings 7: 1; psalm 69: 12)
6. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ against every judgement and accusation of the enemy at the gate of my breakthrough (Deut. 16: 18; 21: 19; 25:7)
7. Today I declare wide open the gate of the righteousness and holiness of god in every area of my life (psalm 118: 19-20)
Conclusion: may Jesus Christ himself who is the only genuine gate to every blessing of life help us today (1 Corinthians 8: 5-6) (amen).

CONCLUSION: May Jesus Christ himself who is the only genuine gate to every blessing of life help us today (1 Corinthians 8: 5-6) (Amen).


Tests of Greatness
Two students were walking down the hallway of a seminary. One said, “I don’t like my summer internship assignment. It does not fit my gifting’s.” An astute professor overheard the conversation and interjected, “I am thankful that Michelangelo did not say ‘I don’t do ceilings.'” Joseph did not say, “I don’t do prisons.” David did not say, “I don’t do giants.” Moses did not say, “I don’t do wildernesses.” Daniel did not say, “I don’t do lions.” The Hebrew children did not say, “We don’t do furnaces.” Isaiah did not say, “I don’t do persecution.” Mary did not say, “I don’t do virgin births.” Paul did not say, “I don’t do shipwrecks.” John the Revelator did not say, “I don’t do islands.” Jesus Christ did not say, “I don’t do crosses.” Revolutionaries are known not just for what they finish, but for what they start.