Pastor’s Corner

I once again welcome you to the new month of November, which is the month of our Divine Double Power Encounters. The notion of a power encounter is vivid in the entire Bible from the beginning to the end. A power encounter is a confrontation demonstrating that God’s power is superior to  We can see the confrontations between Moses and the magicians of Egypt (Exodus 6:28- 12:42), between Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:16-46) and between Jesus Christ and His Disciples with the numerous demons they expelled by God’s authority. Undoubtedly, God has always called His own obedient children to be offensive rather than being defensive in the spiritual battles of life.

       As we all know that life is a warfare and not a fun-fare, but we have the living word of God as the Sword of the Spirit to engage our enemies. And the word of God wielded by the Spirit of God is itself powerful. In the Bible it is likened to a fire (Jeremiah 5:14; 23:29), a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29), a sword (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12); and it unfailingly accomplishes the purposes of God who speaks it (Isaiah 55:10-11). Amazingly, we are armed and ready for combat from the winning position of Jesus Christ who has disgraced the devil on the cross so that our destiny could not be messed-up (Ephesians 2: 14-15). Now arise and take your victorious place in Christ for your apparent defeat is terminated by the power in the precious blood of Jesus Christ today (Amen)

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Voice Of Hope Vol. 131 – NOVEMBER 2023

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

  1. Today I wage an offensive war against every power of darkness tormenting my life and family (Matthew 11: 12)
  2. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I declare power encounters against counterfeit stronghold troubling my destiny (Acts 19:13-16) 
  3. Today I declare power encounters against every demonic stronghold of delay in my life and family (Daniel 101: 10-14)
  4. In the name of Jesus Christ, I am fully delivered from every demonic manipulation of witches and sorcerers (Acts 8:9-13)
  5. Today I disarm every power of darkness buying and selling in my life and family (Colossians 2; 13-15)
  6. In the name of Jesus Christ, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ against every demonic power oppressing my life and family (Colossians 1: 13-14; Revelations 12:11)
  7. Today I declare total power encounters against the evil power of opposition in my life, career and ministry (Acts 13: 4-12)




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