November 2016 – Month of Divine Power Encounters

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Pastor’s Corner

I once again welcome you into the new month of November, which is the second to the last month of the year 2016. Amazingly, it is God’s Month of our Divine Power Encounters. The Greek word Exousia, means “delegated covenant right, privilege, permission and liberty to exercise the power (dunamis) of God over every attack of the devil and his co-workers. So if you have given your life to Jesus as your Savior and Lord then the divine authority is yours to exercise unhindered. And I declare that in this new month the power of God will crush and brutalize and vandalize every demonic and opposing forces against your life, family, health and careers. Amen.

Click here for the Voice of Hope Vol 48 – November 2016

Monthly Prophetic Prayer Power-Points

1. Today I declare that I will discover the purpose of God for my life (Psalm 16: 5-6)
2. In the Name of Jesus Christ I declare that I will not miss the purpose of God for my life (Luke 7: 30-31)
3. Today I declare that all the trials and challenges of my life will work toward God’s supreme purpose for my life (Romans 8: 28-30)
4. In the name of Jesus Christ I will fulfill every purpose of God for my generation (Acts 13: 36)
5. Today I receive the uncommon wisdom of God to be an asset and not a liability to my generation (Proverbs 8: 12)
6. In the name of Jesus Christ I receive the anointing for diligence and creativity to make me outstanding and standout in my professional and career callings (Proverbs 22: 29)
7. Today I declare that my life’s purpose and destiny will not be sabotaged and derailed by the devil and his allies (Luke 10: 19)

CONCLUSION: In the Dictionary of Bible Themes: courage is giving someone confidence to do something. In fact, the Scripture encourages believers to trust in God and to rely on the enabling of the Holy Spirit in order to make a kingdom difference inside and outside the church.


Our Challenges  –  God’s Promises

It’s impossible  –  All things are possible (Luke 18:27)
I’m too tired  –  I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28–30)
Nobody really loves me  –  I love you (John 3:16; John 13:34)
I can’t go on  –  My grace is sucient (2 Corinthians 12:9)
I can’t gure things out  –  I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5–6)